Spring Break 2021-Fournier Family
Spring Break 2021 is definitely a road trip the Fournier Family will not forget! A few hours into the start of our trip we heard the infamous thumping coming from below the vehicle accompanied by a litany of warning lights. The dreaded flat tire, uuuggghhh! After a record-setting 9-minute tire swap by my amazing husband, failed tire fix at Walmart, then another fail at Belle Tire, and a new forced Sam’s Club membership (and some much-needed snacks) we were back on the road. The tire store in Sam’s has probably never seen people so excited to purchase a single tire! New Smyrna Beach, here we come! We finally arrived at our beautiful oceanfront condo after a long 19-hour drive and a few Dad jokes, “Hey, do you think this is making the kids really ”tired”? We could not get to the beach fast enough. A quick change into our suits, and a step out of our condo, paradise for the week! The kiddos raced to the ocean, skim and boogie boarding, beach football, and making sandcastles. The only worry of the week, do we go to the pool or the beach?! This was our 7th year back to this condo, and year after year it never disappoints. Beautiful weather and relaxation are just what we needed!