Fresh Coast 2022-6th Place RX Finish

It was another awesome year at Fresh Coast Fitness Festival!! This year our Men’s RX team with Josh Juarez and Josh Connelly put on a really consistent performance! 6th out of 57 teams! Finishing the first event: beach run 1 mile weighted, 200m swim and 1400m sand run with a 2nd place finish! We went up against a Stacked RX division with multiple Semi Final Competitors within the area! Great job on all the teams who pushed it hard, making it a fun atmosphere to compete!
We had several teams out of CrossFit Allendale competing Sunday earning a VIP spot on the sand!! That was a really cool experience ?
Thank you to everybody who came out to support! This competition is always one to look forward to, and really appreciate the friends and staff Muskegon CrossFit for putting on a well run and challenging event for the athletes!!
See you next year!
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